A collection of the projects I have worked on from High School onwards
Project Aquila
In my senior year at WPI I lead HPRC's Rocket Division with the team's first entry into the Spaceport America Cup.
Major Qualifying Project
For my capstone project I developed a 6 degree-of-freedom dynamic simulator for model rockets in MATLAB.
Sirius and Polaris
As rocket division lead, I was in charge of 40 students as we developed a high power model rocket for NASA USLI.
Project Goddard
I lead the development of the fin can and motor retention system for WPI's entry into NASA USLI.
Whale MFN
At EOM Offshore I created manufacturing files for the Whale MFN and developed new design concepts.
I designed a urethane flotation system and mold for EOM Offshore's SafeMoor mooring technology.
Design Build Fly
I developed a steerable landing gear and store release mechanisim for the AIAA Design Build Fly competition.
Maglev Vehicle
In my senior year of high school I built a magnetic levitation testbed for the state science fair.